Anyways - I've managed to pull my shit together to actually get a ticket to see Squarepusher, so that's one out of the list of many that I'll definately be going to. Whoop-de-fucking-do. God, I hope he steers clear of playing anything off Ultravisitor. Also in keeping with the 'got my shit together' theme, I've pretty much finished designing the new tattoo I want for my birthday. Don't worry - you'll see it when it's fucking done. Christ you're impatient.
Right, onto the point of this update ('cos these updates always have some awesome purpose) - I've been seeing an awful lot of dead pigeons kicking around the pavements of London recently, so I did what any self respecting halfwit would do; I started documenting them with my phone camera. This is the first one I took, the day John Peel died:
The quality isn't too hot, but I'll make up for that by showing you my favourite one so far:
If you click on that picture, you can have a higher resolution copy of it. Though, why in the fuck you'd want that I don't know. You sick fucking bastard. Do you think he died of lung cancer? Maybe that's the last pack of fags he ever smoked, sitting right there next to him. Will the tobacco companies stop at nothing?
If I get anymore good pictures of dead pigeons, you'll be the first to know.
i heard you killed them for your own entertainment, your own little pigeon snuff collection.
show me your tattoo poops now, instead of soon. i don't know why i would rate higher than your typical pigeon/tattoo enthusiast but it's a long shot and i've got a lot of cigarettes. fags, for our friends across the pond, or "ocean", for our friends across the ocean.
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