Sunday, March 06, 2005

People who update their website frequently aren't having sex

So yeah, Nathan Barley's been getting much better after a lacklustre start. I've actually been 'Laughing Out Loud' at bits of it. Be sure to watch the new one this Friday - it's the most like the 'Cunt' strip on TVGoHome so far. There are a coupla harsh as fuck bits.

At breakneck speed he downs 10 pints of bitter, bet you didn't know that

Anyways, I went to see Roots Manuva at the Brixton CARLING(TM) Academy on Friday night - he fucking rocked. When he done Witness, the place almost came. There was a guy standing next to us, skinning up, and one of the girls I was with said she was gonna try and get a draw. It was only when he sparked it that we realised he had crumbled crack into it. Oh Brixton, you are incorrigible.


bobb0 said...

OT, but I just gotta say, based on what I read in your profile and the blog... I am really fuckin' jealous of you. You are my twin in musical taste the difference being you get to SEE the bands I listen to... our tastes are practically the same, and its nice to get some ideas on new shit to listen to because some of the stuff in your profile I haven't heard yet. BTW, I know that Ritchie Hawtin was born in the UK, but he grew up where I live, and my only regret is that I never got to go to his BAR WHERE I LIVE, 13 Below, before it was torn down for the FUCKING CHRYSLER BUILDING WHO COMPLETELY FUCKED OVER OUR CITY BY PROMISING TO BUILD A GIANT SCYSCRAPER IN WINDSOR AND THEN CUT IT DOWN BY 2/3rds THE SIZE. FUCKIN' ASSHOLES! Anyway... I like your blog, heh.

Marc'o van Bastard said...

Well, I do lead a somewhat charmed existence