I ain't updated in a while 'cos, basically, I haven't had much of interest to say. I was planning to write up a big fuck-off review of my week back in the land of chibs and Whisky but I really don't think anyone wants to read that, and I certainly canny be fucked writing it. So, instead I'll do a quick run down:
The WarriorsShowing at the Glasgow Film Theatre with a new and improvised soundtrack being layed down by some New Yoiker named Tes - this was.......interesting. First off, he didn't keep one sound from the original film - all the dialogue only appeared as subtitles. This meant we missed the infamous "Can you dig it?" and "Warriors.....come out and playeeeeeeee" bits, and you canny have the Warriors without them. Secondly, some of the music just did not fit the movie at all. Tes' stuff was very like John Carpenter in places, but at other times it was like the fucking 'Gonk' from Dawn of the Dead or some shit.
You do not laugh at the fucking Baseball Furies and you do not use music that will make people laugh at the Baseball Furies. When I went for a pish about halfway through, there were guys in the toilet up for rushing Tes (oh Glasgow) and just playing the rest of the film with the original soundtrack. This heated atmosphere did yield one classic moment though - when Luther was clanking the bottles together on screen, tonnes of motherfuckers in the crowd were all filling in the sound effects themselves by clanking their empties together - vaguely menacing and fun. Tes done a bit of a freestyle at the end, which was pretty cool and probably the only live hip-hop I've ever seen in a cinema.
PressureI headed down to this after the movie and met up with the boys outside. Fuck me it was good to be back in the Arches - you forget just how punishing the techno can be, ensconced in those sweaty stone vaults. Vitalic rocked the fuck out of the place and Adam Beyer was immense. Why can't we have techno like this down in London?
Laptop Jams
Live laptop tomfoolery in the basement of the Brunswick Hotel, which is a sweet little venue. The music took a while to get going, as it was basically 6 or 7 random guys just sonically bouncing off one another, but there were some nice moments. The visuals were shite though.
Heavy metal afternoon/night in Barfly, organised by my ex's sister. This was pretty cool, even if me and my wee brother were the only ones not in black tops. We had to leave early so I only caught one band - not really my thing, but hey, it was for a good cause.
LCD SoundsystemPlaying in a venue fucking miles away on the South side of Glasgow called the Tramway. We walked in and the Optimo DJs were warming up, which was pretty fucking cool. Hot Chip were supporting and they were damn fucking fine. James Murphy and company were amazing, though I was pretty toasted by the time they came on so am probably no the best judge of quality. I canny remember if it was 'Daft Punk are playing at my house' or 'Losing My Edge', but they done a really shitty version of one of them. The only low point of their.
We swanned along to the Soundhaus after LCD Soundsytem, to cap off the night. We were contemplating going to the almighty Optimo, but ESG were playing and it was a bank holiday so the place was fucking wadded and rammed. The Soundhaus is a filthy (in the best possible way) wee underground/member's only place and is always fucking banging. This night was no exception - I was fucking motherfucked (good choice of words there, Marc'o).
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Jesus. Maybe I'll write up a proper review of this, fuck, I may even go and see it again just to get a second opinion (come-down Marc'o was technically the one who seen it). Basically - Martin Freeman and Mos Def are amazing; Sam Rockwell......what the fuck was going on with Zaphod? Zooey Deschanel was hot but a bit wooden; the Vogons were good, but given too much of a central role; it was 'Hollywoodised' a bit too much; the Guide itself was under-used, as was the Improbability Drive; it was cut down quite a bit from the book (and the book is not that long at all); the newly introduced sub-plot with John Malkovich was shit and pointless and shit; it looked lovely, and I think I'll leave it there. I did read the book again on the way back down here, so I suppose it's good that it reminded me to re-read them all again.
Fuck, can you believe this is the quick run down?