Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Natalie Portman

My CDs arrived the other day. I honestly don't know what the fuck - I should not be allowed to order CDs with a hangover, I always go for stuff that I wasn't really after. I ended up with Elektro 4 - Keystroke One and Solvent - Apples & Synthesizers which should be reasonably fucking cool and Ascoltare - Gallery, which I think I must have ordered due to seeing his name in the same sentence as DJ/Rupture. I've also got the new issue of the Wire, hahahahahaha.

It's the 65daysofstatic gig tomorrow night, and I have not been this excited about seeing someone in quite some time. If I don't end up with permanent hearing damage I'm gonna want my money back.

Right, have a look at this - "'Asbo' and 'chav' make dictionary". Now, I have no problem with 'ASBO', 'Chav' and 'Ned' making it into the Collins (Mickey Mouse) Dictionary, as they are commonly used terms in this country, but have a look at some of the other random buzzword shite they've put in there. 'Retrosexual', 'Property Porn', 'Bouncebackability'? What in the ever-loving fuck? No one has ever even said those fucking things outside the sphere of the media. They are 'cool' gimmicky words bandied about by Nathan Barley fucking cunts in the pages of Heat and the Sun and shit like that; no one fucking using them. Imagine saying 'retrosexual' to someone in the pub, you'd be fucking knifed. And with good reason.

Collins knows they are a fucking third rate dictionary and are loading their pages with this utter dross in a cynical attempt to get themselves into the news. And it's working too. Fucking cunts.

Seeing as they are turning into a print version of Urban Dictionary, I wonder how long it'll take for them to include 'Wank Ma Shite'.

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