Friday, April 29, 2005

Asia Argento is fucking hot

I've been back in Glasgow for almost 2 days now, and it feels a bit odd. It's so fucking small. Anyway, tonight's the night when shit really kicks off - The Warriors screening @ The GFT, then Pressure @ The Arches, which will no doubt fuck me up good and proper.

While looking through the wee booklet for Triptych, I realised that Savage Pencil does all the illustrations for the festival this year (including that crazy owl I used on the last entry I wrote about Triptych). Jesus, I forgot how fucking awesome he is. His insane scribblings can be seen adorning the pages of Ken Hollings' masterpiece Destroy All Monsters, which you severely have to fucking read. Now.

Here's a little present for you, dear reader. It's the mid 80s electro hip-hop stylings of the Latin Rascals, with their tribute to Eddie Murphy - Axel F (New York Rap Remix). Enjoy, I'm off to get some breakfast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm looking for this Axel F (New York Rap Remix) for a long while. Is it possible to repost that song to a fileshare site, or email it to me?