Saturday, December 18, 2004

Jack Ruby only had nine fingers

Well, I seem to be amassing quite a collection of hangovers, and Santa hasn't even been yet.

Lara Flynn Boyle yesterday
In other news, I have developed an unhealthy obsession with Lara Flynn Boyle. I think she could be the most perfect specimen of womanhood in existence, if it wasn't for 2 things - she is a bit thin sometimes, and Jack Nicholson has had his muck in her. Christ, that was a whole sentence. After trawling the 'net for a good 20 minutes I have found this, which now adorns my screen in work. I suggest you to download it for your pleasure.

I've noticed that Blogger doesn't appear to update with the new content until you hit refresh, which is a bit odd. It means that the ones of people who actually look at this shite won't even be seeing the new shite I've been typing. Fuck.

This is a fucking rubbish post, it really is. I have nothing of value to say whatsoever. Hopefully I'll have something decent later on, when the dulling hangover fog has lifted slightly. Maybe I'll tell you about the wonders of Shoelace Tension Discrepancy. With the aid of graphs.

(By the way, I strongly advise watching Neighbours over the coming few weeks. In addition to the lesbians, Harold doped up on Viagra and other varied drug abuse, corrupt cops and the like, there is also some hot incest action brewing. You have been warned)

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