Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Bricking Swans For World Peace

I'm on a total 'Swan Hate' at the moment. I don't know what it is about them, but I just don't see them as the beautiful 'True Love Forever' animals that everyone else does. To me they're just the arrogant fucks of the bird kingdom.He has hate in his eyes and murder on his mind They don't even make sounds like a proper bird, with all that hissing and cackling - it's like someone decapitated a bird, then stapled a feathery snake onto the body, in place of the head and neck. And that thing about them being able to break a human arm with their beak? What the fuck is that all about? Is that even true? Let me tell you, the fucker wouldn't get the chance. He'd have his neck broken with a well aimed brick from 30 yards. So yeah, fuck 'em.

By Christ did I see a film at the weekend! Team America : World Police....it was imense. At first it's a bit goofy, but funny in an 'oh look, it's puppets swearing' kinda way, but once that wears off you get right into it. The songs are magic, especially the one where they basically just rip the piss out of Pearl Harbour; and the range of emotion they get from the puppets' faces is remarkeable. It's also good to see both the American Left and Right getting the fuck ripped out of them. Go see it, FUCK YEAH!

Tomorrow I'm going for a shot in a floatation tank. Will it be a transendental experience, will it be boring, will I fall asleep, are you allowed to pee in the tanks? The answers to these and other questions coming tomorrow (or possibly later).

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