Monday, January 17, 2005

Don't take any guff from these fucking swine

So, I spent the vast majority of the weekend completely pissed off my face. How thoroughly depressing. I did manage to play a load of Burnout 3 on the PS2 with my flatmate, though. Virtual drunk driving is a truly great invention of modern man, it's so much fun it's bordering on the illegal.

I also squeezed in a wee walk to Portobello Market, where I bought a small selection of tat, and a couple of decent CDs from Rough Trade. Due to the aforementioned drunkeness, the CDs aren't even out of their cellophane. On the walk back we found a framed Full Metal Jacket poster that someone had thrown out. I thought, 'fuck it, I'll have that'. So I did.

It has caused me to rethink the decor in my room. I'm gonna do a big fuck-off rasterized image to put up over my bed. This is the best website to use if you wanna do one yourself - Rasterbator. I swear to God, it's the fuckin' shit. The only thing is, I dunno what picture to use. At the moment, I think it's gonna be this one...

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape?

...but I'm not sure if there's enough contrast going on for it to look cool. Though, how could that fuckin' Gonzo maniac not look cool, eh? Hmm, I'll just have to try it and see how it looks.

Anyways, expect an update, WITH MOTHERFUCKIN' PHOTOS, once I've got it all done and up on my wall.


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