Friday, January 07, 2005

'PANDACORE' or 'Panda Corps'?

I don't care what people say about Banksy, I fuckin' love him. Seeing a wee bit of his art as I'm walking down the street really brightens up my day.If you wait for the perfect idea you will be waiting forever. Cleverness is never as entertaining as blatant stupidity, failure and public humiliation Buy his new book. In fact, fuck it - buy all his books. If it wasn't for him, Britain (and in particular, London [and in particular, Shoreditch]) would be even more of a soulless grey fuck-up of a place. If it wasn't for him you'd be even more aware that the place is inhabited by brain-dead robots and cunts. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't be able to giggle like a girl at the drawing of the cute wittle wabbit on the wall. Aw look at his itty-bitty bomb, he's wuvvely.

Right, that's enough of that. I haven't bought nearly as many CDs as I'd have liked this year (due to the whole 'moving-to-London' thing) and I know I've left a lot of decent ones I bought recently back in Glasgow, but that isn't gonna stop me inflicting this on you:

Music made in 2004 that was good and that I bought

I have no idea why I choose to write these things on Amazon. I'm such a corporate sell-out. Oo oo, here's last year's, in case you missed it. It was far better.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I absolutely love your language and I'm not being sarcastic