Monday, January 03, 2005

Londoners don't know jack-shit about Hogmanay

Hello again Internets people. Do you know what I seen in Tesco this morning? Fucking mini-eggs, shitloads of them - piled up in the impulse buy bit, just in front of the registers. I mean, for fuck's sake, we've only just recovered (or not quite) from New Year and they're already pushing Easter on us. What the fuck? This has to be some sort of record.

Hoxton PimpsTalking of New Year, how was it for you? Did you go to some shitty party and get depressingly drunk? I'll bet you did. My body's still reeling after the shitstorm of abuse I subjected it to over the weekend. The Hoxton Pimps night was pretty fucking cool. It started off in appalling fashion as no one seemd to know what the fuck was going on - it was wall-to-wall bawbag as people were jockeying for dance floor position and fighting like crack-addled hobos to get a drink. The bells came and went with very little fanfare - WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH LONDON PEOPLE? After midnight everything calmed down and it turned into a very respectable wee night. We were proper fucked, and continued it on throughout Saturday, too. All in all - good, but it really didn't feel like a Hogmanay night due to the lacklustre, 'I'm too fuckin' cool to jump about like a loon at the bells' attitude of the Hoxtonites.

I'm paying for it all now, though, with a cold/sore throat combo on it's way. Fuck-a-doodle-doo.


Marc'o van Bastard said...

'Hogmanay' is what we call New Year's Eve in Scotland. And we know how to celebrate it, unlike the pretensious wanks down here in London.

Och that's no really fair, I did have a good time. It's just odd to see no one going batshit when the bells ring at midnight. I didn't see one totally random hug, and there were hunners of folk there.

Marc'o van Bastard said...

Christ, when did I forget how to spell 'pretentious'?